CBD in Sports and Recovery

People use CBD for all sorts of reasons, which is why it exists in many different forms. From tinctures to topicals, capsules to edibles, there’s a CBD format of choice for just about everyone — and it seems like there’s more of them every day.

But not all CBD is created equal, and when it comes to active people, it’s especially crucial to be aware of exactly what they’re putting into their bodies. Is CBD good for muscle recovery? Which CBD products are best for athletes? Is there a recommended CBD routine for exercise?

In this article, we’ll tackle those questions and more. Specifically, we’ll look at which CBD products are the best choice for active people, which makes them worthy of exploration and purchase, and how to go about using them. Get ready to level-up your hemp knowledge for your daily wellness routine.


Every body is different and each of us experience or welcome different levels of comfort and strain. When it comes to fitness, this spectrum is as broad as ever. But regardless of one’s desired level of activity, post-workout comfort is important to maintain.

There is evidence that exercise can both cause and attenuate inflammation. “Acute, unaccustomed exercise can cause muscle and connective tissue damage, especially if done at high intensities and for prolonged durations.” All that is to say that for active people, exercise-induced inflammation is a relatively common thing. Exercise, especially strenuous exercise, causes minor damage to muscles. It’s not an injury, necessarily, but simply tiny tears in muscle tissue that trigger inflammation as an attempt to repair the area. In moderation, inflammation is beneficial.

The body’s Endocannabinoid System, supports homeostasis for all bodily systems, the immune system included. When inflammation becomes excessive post-exercise, CBD and other supportive phytocannabinoids can be used to promote balance through several mechanisms of action. These phytocannabinoids can moderate the production of inflammatory chemical messengers which are produced by the immune system. In other words, CBD helps support recovery from exercise-induced inflammation, making certain products go-to formulations for active people.


Now that we’ve discussed some of the finer points of the immune system and how it functions, let’s look at some of the available options out there in terms of CBD for active people.

When it comes to ease of use and versatility, CBD & CBG Oils, Capsules or Paste make for a great addition to any routine. Simply take daily, as needed, to reap the full benefits of a full-spectrum hemp extract with CBD. Our extracts contain CBD plus other naturally occurring phytocannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, essential fatty acids, and more in every serving. And if you like, CBD oil makes for an easy addition to your favorite food or drink using customizable servings.

CBD capsules are especially helpful if you’re already used to taking supplements in pill form as part of your daily routine. Like the oils mentioned above, they’re designed to help support recovery from exercise-induced inflammation, as well as support a sense of calm for focus and maintaining healthy sleep cycles. Like any fitness or wellness routine, the key is consistency.

CBD Edibles, on the other hand, tend to be a bit more targeted in terms of the things they support.

As mentioned above, the best thing any active person can do in terms of their CBD wellness is focus on consistency. Like going to the gym, for best results, it’s best to take CBD regularly.


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