Food Safety - HACCP vs. ISO 22000
HACCP is a food safety management system that businesses can use whilst ISO 22000 is a food safety management standard businesses need to meet. ISO 22000 integrates the principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system and by means of auditable requirements, it combines the HACCP plan with prerequisite programs (PRPs). Prerequisite programs comprise all basic conditions and activities necessary to maintain a hygienic environment throughout the food chain suitable for the production, handling and provision of safe end products. Whereas HACCP is focuses purely on food safety, ISO goes further. ISO also looks at business processes and structures.
Besides the fact that HACCP is a food safety system, and ISO 22000 is a food safety management system standard, differences between these two include the following:
ISO 22000 allows the development of a food safety management system by external experts for any company, and this includes implementation and verification of all or part of activities involved in the system
ISO 22000 also refers to good practices in sectors and general hygiene rules published by Codex Alimentarius
Besides the internal communication, external communication is also a condition for establishing, implementing and updating the FSMS according to ISO 22000.
ISO 22000 demands risk analysis to evaluate each food safety hazards identified
ISO 22000 demands documentation of PRPs
HACCP uses the traditional concept of dividing control measures into two groups: prerequisites and measures applied at critical control points (CCPs). In the case of ISO 22000, these concepts are reorganized in a logical order by adding a group of control measures named operational prerequisite programs (oPRPs)
ISO 22000 demands monitoring system and planning of corrective actions for operational PRPs, as for CCPs
ISO 22000 demands analysis and improvement according to the outcome of monitoring of oPRPs and HACCP plan
ISO 22000 also requires the review and identification of specifications, formulation and origin for input and end-products
ISO 22000 separates and clarifies verification activities and validation activities.
Allergen control is a required prerequisite program in ISO 22000; however it is not mentioned in HACCP
ISO 22000, new terms have been developed, such as “potentially unsafe product” and the term “withdrawal” for product recall and product recollection activities
ISO 22000 requires continual improvement and updating of the management system
After all, ISO is more quickly accepted domestically and internationally and can be combined with other ISO standards to achieve optimum efficiency.
To be a role model in the Industrial Hemp Industry, we invested a lot of time and effort. We have received the ISO 22000:2018 certificate proving our company’s management and production process are hold up to the highest possible standards regarding food safety; set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and checked by an official and authorized agency.