Biosyyd is committed to a future of health and wellness, providing the absolute best in industrial hemp products.

We believe building trust with our partners is the foundation of mutual success.
All Biosyyd products are traceable and certified to exceed the highest industry standards.
Our commitment to industrial hemp-derived products ensures superior cannabinoid compositions.


Certification Matters. Period.

  • Global Good Agricultural Practices

  • Food Safety Management under ISO 22000:2018

  • HACCP Certified

  • Good Manufacturing Practices under ISO 22716:2007

  • EudraGMDP Listed (EU GMP)

  • Quality Management System under ISO 9001:2015

We believe in transparency and traceability.
Our top-quality products are manufactured in our state-of-the-art EU laboratory.
We share our original certifications and deliver clear explanations of their testing parameters.


Products? Here’s a sampling.

Us. In a nutshell.

Biosyyd CBD CBG CBN Worldwide

125+ Satisfied Clients & Partners Worldwide

300+ Certified Products and Ingredients

Operating in 34+ Countries


Want to learn more? We’ve got you covered.