Do You know where Your CBD comes from?


Imagine the CBD manufacturing industry as an iceberg. Only 10% of the large mass is poking out of the water, while 90% is underneath. The 10% above sea level are reputable, large scale manufacturers who are taking the necessary steps in order to be visible and responsible in their practices. The 90% below the water, which make up the majority of the industry, may be cutting corners, and using the large, turbulent ocean that is the CBD market in order to mask their lack of trust and transparency within the industry.

Biosyyd strives to be at the tip of the iceberg, and there are many reasons why we go above and beyond anyone else in the industry. For buyers and end-product manufacturers, it is extremely important to know who exactly it is that’s producing your wholesale CBD, and understand what makes a CBD manufacturer trustworthy.


We built Biosyyd to provide a consistent, traceable and sustainable supply of highest quality CBD and other Cannabinoids to our customers worldwide. Quality and safety have been the bedrock of our company since the outset. 

We have growing concern over the current CBD market. We have come to learn that there are many fraudulent brokers and re-sellers of CBD isolate, CBD distillate etc. misrepresenting their product as “from EU-certified genetics”, “manufactured in EU products” and so on. We certainly are concerned about the commercial implications of bad actors hurting our industry and bottom-line. But, this is not our primary concern. Our primary concern is for consumers.

Our significant investment in quality starts with an understanding that if you are not producing CBD at the food safety standards that mature food and nutraceutical companies currently meet, then you are placing your consumers at risk.  If you are a brand sourcing your CBD from an unaccredited supplier who does not meet these standards — you are placing your customers at risk.

Our growing concerns are driven by hemp producers that purchase CBD that was produced without their oversight, CBD acquired from international sources, and CBD not derived from compliant EU hemp producers or genetics.


We are committed to farming the right way. Our EU certified genetics are grown using sustainable practices on GLOBALG.A.P. certified fields, free from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. The implemented good agricultural practices are the first step in the long and fully traceable and certified (EU ISO 22000:2018 and EU GMP) production chain at Biosyyd.

Hemp-derived products manufactured with inconsistent methods, lacking quality assurance and quality controls cannot guarantee consistent product quality. Purchasing biomass without continuous oversight during its growing process exposes customers to decisions made on the farm that may not necessarily be detected when receiving and testing the biomass. That’s why we visit our farms on a weekly basis throughout the farming season, and even more regularly as we approach harvest. Lithuania is the natural home of hemp, and we’re proud to fill shelves across the world with hemp-derived products grown in fertile Lithuanian soil.


CBD acquired from international sources is not only misaligned with the intent of the development of the European Industrial Hemp industry, but importation of floral material and its derivatives from unknown genetics, unknown processing, testing and formulation standards - is not even controlled by the EU authorities. Beyond the legal implications, a perhaps greater concern is one of quality. CBD sourced from USA, China and other nations often has byproduct and residual biological constituents that are harmful to consumers e.g. pesticides or residual solvents.

Our understanding that not only food has production standards, but also the cultivation practices, is why we implemented industry leading international food and supplement production standards. Our core production of Industrial Hemp-derived CBD and other Cannabinoids, fully vertically integrated from soil to finished product, is based on the increasingly stringent quality assurance standards that modern food and nutraceutical companies follow.


How to read a Certificate of Analysis (COA)


Why Full & Broad Spectrum CBD Oil is superior to Isolate based products